Working in the oilfield can be emotionally, physically, and spiritually difficult. It can be easy to lose sight of what's truly important: growing a relationship with Jesus Christ. At Oilfield Evangelist Ministry, we are dedicated to helping people grow in their relationship with Christ and become the light that they have been called to be (Matthew 5:14).
Surrender your heart and life to Jesus Christ
Many people feel as if they cannot be forgiven for all the wrong they have done in their life. They feel they have done too much and are too far gone to truly be forgiven. Jesus Christ will transform the hearts and lives of anyone who calls on Him in genuine repentance and faith, and bring them from the darkness into His glorious light.
How Can I Help?
Oilfield Evangelist Ministry is a non-profit ministry, so we ask that you would prayerfully consider donating to the cause of Christ. All donations given will help to share the Gospel and see lives changed. We use all donations to improve our ability to spread God's Word. This includes purchasing materials such as Bibles, outreach tools, literature, and other supplies. If God does not lead you to give, we ask that you would pray for the ministry as well as those who are lost and hurting.